Month: September 2020

Mung bean sprouts 101 | How to grow mung bean sprouts

Mung bean sprouts 101 | How to grow mung bean sprouts

What are mung bean sprouts? Mung bean sprouts are mung beans that have started to grow. Mung beans belong to the legume family, meaning they grow inside a pod. Mung beans are in fact seeds, so when the conditions are right, they naturally begin to 

Malabar spinach curry | basale soppu sambar

Malabar spinach curry | basale soppu sambar

Basale soppu sambar, called Basale bendi in Havyaka language is one of my most favourite curries, especially when prepared using this awesome recipe from my mom. My mom’s basale soppu sambar recipe does require freshly toasted spices along with sauteed onions and garlic but it